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His Steel Blue EyesĪdam DeVine also commented, accurately, on the state of Efron's peepers: 'Your eyes are like an ocean and I wanna take a dip. Lucy Tyler, cumshot, big ass, bigcock, big, popular with women. 'Your body is so hard, it's so freaking hard. teen, big tits, sex, big boobs, girlfriend, beauty, sensual. 'It was big, and it would overshadow us'Ħ. 'Did Leonardo Da Vinci circumcise you? It's beautiful'ĥ. The boys of Workaholics used all of the below phrases to describe Zac Jr.ġ. We're going to have to take their word for it, plus 11 other reasons Efron is the perfect human specimen. OK, I'm not trying to objectify him entirely, and yes, I did just compare him to a slab of meat - but can you blame me? both women and men alike can't stop singing the praises of Efron's physique, and in a new dual promo for Workaholics and Efron's latest flick, Neighbors, the boys of Workaholics exemplify just exactly what it is about Efron that made them swoon: His penis. In recent years, Zac Efron has proven himself to not only be a heartthrob for young, musical-loving preteens, but a bonafide, fantasy-inducing, grade A piece o' man meat for those twentysomething viewers.

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