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(Read our interview with the playwright.) Golden Thread Productions presents Adam Ashraf Elsayigh drama about three gay Egyptian men who confront their past thru May 1.

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The 'high-flying love story' weaves local history with acrobatic theatrics and live music by The 7 Fingers company, now with new cast members, and a full food and beverage menu extended through summer 2022. Rachel Lark's sex-forward, kink and queer-inclusive musical comedy. 'Circle Mirror Transformation' Phoenix TheatreĬustom Made Theatre Co.'s production of Pulitzer Prize winner Annie Baker's plat about an actors' workshop that goes too far into the participants' lives thru April 17. The Tony-winning musical comedy based on the French film about a drag performer and his nightclub owner husband includes hit songs by Jerry Herman and a book by Harvey Fierstein. 'La Cage Aux Folles' 3Below Theaters, San Jose

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